After writing my Athletic Greens review I came across a similar product that is available in Australia: Vital All-in-One.

What is Vital All-In-One
So let’s address the elephant in the room; Vital All-In-One appears to be a copycat of Athletic Greens. However the Vital Greens product has actually been around longer than Athletic Greens.
Vital All-In-One is a supplement powder containing 78 different ingredients. Like Athletic Greens it’s designed to fill nutritional gaps by providing a huge range of vitamins, minerals and probiotics.
I can’t tell you if Vital All-In-One has based their formulation of Athletic Greens (or the other way around) but I can tell you the formulations are very similar.
What are the Main Differences Between Vital All-In-One and Athletic Greens
Little Information on Testing
Each batch of Athletic Greens is tested for quality and contaminants like Heavy Metals. This is super important if you’re taking a supplement daily. I wasn’t able to find any information on what testing Vital does. That’s a worrying sign.
Different Probiotics Amount
The only real noticeable effect I had when taking Athletic Greens was a change in my gut. It’s the only probiotic I’ve ever taken that seems to have made a difference. Athletic Greens comes vacuum sealed and it’s stored in a canister in the fridge.
Vital All-In-One is also supposed to be stored in the fridge. I can’t attest to whether the probiotics work as well as the Athletic Greens ones. There is a different mix and I haven’t dug into the science to see whether there is a justification for the difference.
Different Dosing
With Athletic Greens you get a metal scoop. A flat scoop is the 12g serving size. Vital recommends a serving of two heaped teaspoons. I’m not too keen on the less than accurate serving size.
The biggest difference between the two products is the price. A 1kg container of Vital All-in-One will cost around $130.
Where to Get Vital All In One
Vital All In One is available from Chemist Warehouse. However you can get the same product at Amazon for a discount.
Will I be switching to Vital All-In-One
The most important factor for me when choosing between the two products is quality and safety. Because I couldn’t find info on Vital’s website about their testing procedures it’s not something I’m willing to try. I do like the subscription nature of Athletic Greens – I get sent a new bag automatically every month.
I’ve noticed a positive improvement in my gut health from taking Athletic Greens, so it’s definitely something I will continue taking.
But if you’re looking for an Athletic Greens alternative in Australia that is quite a bit cheaper, than Vital All-In-One is a very similar product. It might not have the same celebrity status, but in terms of formulation its very close.